Our 4th and 5th Grade Youth Group exists to help youth love God and know God, bringing them into a closer relationship with Jesus and to one another. This group helps mentor and guide youth through this time of faith formation and helps them and their families adopt the teachings of Jesus.
JCrew is temporarily on hiatus. Please check calendar for future meetings
Middle School Youth Group exists to reach students to help them share in God's word, to care for each other, and to offer their lives in service to Christ.
While the middle school years can be tough and an overwhelming life transition, this ministry at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church offers a welcoming, encouraging, inclusive and fun environment. All activities are designed for students to have fun, laughter, and fellowship with each other. Through our weekly gatherings, special events and activities, students can connect with friends, be involved in memorable games and activities, and dive in the Bible and learn how Christ can help us in our daily life and how we can develop a spritual maturity in Him.
Middle School Youth Group reaches students Grades 6-8. Surf Squad is temporarily on hiatus. Please check calendar for future meetings