Ministries There are quite a few things that go on all the time. Serving the community and one another is good for the soul. New people with new ideas are good for the community. Check out the many ways to connect. Children Youth Women Men Get Involved!We are all skilled in many ways! There are many opportunities to lend a hand, click below to volunteer! Youth Committee - Attend SURF Squad (middle school youth group) first two Wednesday's month Coffee Ministry - Set up/Prepare/Cleanup Sunday Coffee (on rotation) Property Committee - Helping with general maintenance of the church building Bell Ensemble or Shepherd's Bells - Meet weekly to practice Bells, play monthly Sunday School Teachers - Teach Sunday School to children with a pre planned curriculum Activities Committee - Help out with the special events (soup suppers, Easter breakfast, pot luck suppers and celebrations) Ushers - Greet, help guide parishioners to their seats and collect offering Backup Nursery Aide - Play and entertain little ones during worship when Nursery aide in unavailable Outreach Committee - Help with food bank donations, Trunk or Treat, Outreach projects and Habitat for Humanity Email PhoneName First Last NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ